Casino News

Temmuz 23, 2015

34 gambling establishments apply for South Korea casino licenses

The Asian gaming boom continues even as revenues shrink in flagship Macau. Seeing massive tax possibilities and tourism benefits, coupled with an exodus of VIPs from Macau, several Asian countries including Vietnam, Cambodia, the Philippines and South Korea are upping the stakes to attract gamblers from nearby countries. South Korea appears to be the biggest benefactor from Macau’s decline as […]
Ağustos 7, 2015

Cyprus casino generating big interest

The opportunity to build a casino resort in Cyprus has several top companies looking to bid for the rights to be involved. According to a report on the in-Cyprus news website, MGM and Caesars of Las Vegas as well as Genting Malaysia and Kezner of Macau have visited Cyprus to hopefully receive licensing to build and operate the resort facility. […]